2024, 4th November—17th December Yoga
SCARAVELLI YOGA-MOVEMENT AND MEDITATION CLASSES My next courses of on-the-ground and online
Scaravelli Yoga-Movement classes with meditation will be starting on the brink of November.The late Vanda Scaravelli,
could be seen as the artist of the yoga world. My classes are about discovering a practical yet refined relationship with our
body. Through postures that awaken our awareness of the spine, how we connect to the ground, breath, space and other,
we begin to move to naturally…(read more)
2024, 10th September—15th October Yoga
SCARAVELLI YOGA-MOVEMENT CLASSES a continuation of our exploration into body and language, how we connect to contemplative practice - will be resuming at the Frome Art School in the Silk Mill, Six weekly classes starting 10th September…(read more)
2024, 28th may—16th July Yoga
ON THE GROUND, SCARAVELLI YOGA-MOVEMENT CLASSES I'm running two short courses of Scaravelli yoga-movement classes through April into early May, in person (in Frome) and online…(read more)
2024, 2nd April—7th May Yoga
SCARAVELLI YOGA-MOVEMENT CLASSES I'm running two short courses of Scaravelli yoga-movement classes through April into early May, in person (in Frome) and online…(read more)
Vanda Scaravelli Yoga
AWAKENING THE SPINE Root, reach, become the letting go... I am offering a series of online classes over the autumn; two courses of four weeks on Tuesday evenings (starting this week - dates below). This is to do with 'awakening the spine', the yoga practice inspired by Vanda Scaravelli. How do we awaken to our inner lives through the life, language land movement of the spine? My work is also inspired by meditation, the art of language and the postural integration techniques of Rolfing. Cost is on a sliding scale dependent on income. Please message me if you're interested in joining either online course. I'm also offering one-to-ones and small group classes face-to-face in Frome, and a non-residential 'advent' retreat iover the weekend of 10-12 December. Again please message me for details. (read more)
2017, 17th July Yoga
MEETING WITH A TORTOISE Met another adorable tortoise yesterday, this time on one of the ‘caldorini’ (ancient stone donkey paths that zig zag through the mountain), leading down to the sweet chestnut and oak tree-lined sparkling beach here in the Pelion… (read more)
2015, 17th September Yoga
SPIRALS: EMBODIMENT THROUGH YOGA AND THE PROCESS OF TURNING Spiral is a natural phenomenon — in the patterns we see in the natural world, in the unfolding of time, and in the body. Our relationship with this is, to a certain degree, conditioned by how or where we feel our ground to be, a patterning learnt from the womb… (read more)
2015, 17th September Yoga
YOGA AS EMBODIMENT AND THE GROWTH OF ACCEPTANCE Many of us, in our personal lives and the state of the world, hunger for change. Awareness of life shows us that, converse to our expectations, acceptance is the beginning of change… (read more)
2015, 12th March Yoga
SOME THOUGHTS ON EMBODIMENT Whatever connotations this word might bring up for us, the need to embody what we stand for, (whether that be socially, politically or spiritually; whether in tending to the mundane details and commitments of our lives or in response to the profound), seems more and more relevant to each of us as individuals, as community and as a global body… (read more)
2015, 11th January Yoga
A LITTLE POTTED STORY OF HAND TO EARTH My work through yoga draws on many influences. Stemming from a short time exploring more formal approaches in India, I became interested in the language of Vanda Scaravelli, who in fact studied with the famous Indian guru BKS Iyengar… (read more)
2014, 11th March Yoga
YOGA AS EMBODIMENT — THE INTEGRATING PATH OF ONENESS TO OTHERNESS In Vanda Scaravelli’s book Awakening the Spine she writes about the significance of the heel in Greek mythology. Many of the characters depicted in the stories were damaged in their heel, which is symbolic according to writer and psychologist Paul Diel… (read more)
2013, 24th September Yoga
HOLDING ON AND LETTING GO The influences impacting each generation affect whether the dynamics of ‘letting go’ or those of ‘holding on’ are more highly valued. All spiritual traditions emphasise the need to let go of the impulses of the ego and surrender to a state of being that is less self-centred, more spacious… (read more)
2013, 30th April Yoga
THE PSOAS: MUSCLE OF THE SOUL Quoting her I’m reminded of Vanda Scaravelli’s insights into yoga, along with those of other bodywork practitioners such as Peter Levine and Don Hanlon Johnson (Bone, Breath and Gesture… (read more)
2012, 21st September Yoga
GRIST OF THE MILL So at the beginning of the journey, you are very eclectic… a little of this and that. A Buddhist meditation to quieten the mind. Some Sufi dancing to get the body and heart open… (read more)
2009, 18th October Yoga
NOTE ON TRAUMA Yoga is becoming known within the world of contemporary bodywork to be an essential tool in the healing of trauma, or the disorientation of the human being. The key book in explaining this is called ‘Waking the Tiger’ by Peter Levine… (read more)
2009, 9th October Yoga
NOTE ON THE DIVIDE BETWEEN EMPTINESS AND COMPASSION I was recently questioning my meditation teacher about a teaching I’d heard about time being a construct of the mind — in other words it does not inherently exist outside of the purpose for which it was conceived by the human mind… (read more)
2009, 4th October Yoga
SITTING MEDITATION “Taking our seat…’sit and know you’re sitting’…(we) bravely confront all our sorrows, loneliness, shame, regret, frustration, happiness… (read more)
2009, 22nd September Yoga
A AND B AREN'T VERY INTERESTING COMPARED TO WEHAT IS IN BETWEEN Something I often try to inspire in my students is trying to get them away from goals into exploring the range of movement choices that exist in the body… (read more)
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