Our walk around Cley Hill fort today
My veiled head circling in random undulations
Spiralling up tussled trails, tread lopsided
Rushing down grassy slopes, thwarted in furrows
Scanning the stark soil, now snagged by barbed wire
I, a promontory, defended and miles from it’s heart
Am prowling mind’s battlements
Dutiful yet distracted; watchful yet numb.
And because I cannot tell you
I tell the trees.
And they whisper such a sheltering applause
From where their red buds arrow and prick the sky
Their winter branches so saluting the hot colour of complaint
So tenderly quivering as my guarded words catch the wind
That I see you also, as a if tree
Viewing the landscape with me
Defended and miles from your heart
Whilst somehow, though snagged into silence
Glad that I am here, not telling you
Just arms and heart, though flailing, poised
A fortress, a friend.
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